Masterplanning & Feasibility Studys for cultural buildings


One focus of CULTURE CONCEPTS' work is master planning and feasibility studies with a focus on archaeology in advance of investment decisions for the construction of visitor centres or for the implementation of new exhibition and presentation concepts. For this purpose, the CULTURE CONCEPTS office has developed a modular system in cooperation with Karl Karau from kk-architekten, which includes both a visualisation of the planned measures and the estimation of expected visitor numbers, follow-up costs during operation, operator concept and investment costs.

Master plans and feasibility studies have been carried out on behalf of ministries, foundations or state offices for archaeology and monument preservation in the federal states of Saxony-Anhalt (master plan for the Nebra sky disk, master plan for battlefield archaeology in Lützen, master plan for Stiftsberg Quedlinburg), Lower Saxony (Palaeon Research and Experience Centre Schöninger Speere) and the state of Brandenburg (feasibility study for Lusatian bronze cradle).

The special quality of the working group (ARGE) of CULTURE CONCEPTS & kk-architekten in the area of master planning and feasibility studies is reflected in the rapid implementation of the planning.


ARGE CULTURE CONCEPTS & kk-architekten (2004)

Machbarkeitsstudie Touristische Erschließung der Saale-Unstrut-Region, Konzeption zur Errichtung  eines Besucherzentrums zur Präsentation der bronzezeitlichen Himmelsscheibe von Nebra

Opening of the Visitor Center Arche Nebra in 2008.

Find out more
Link to the Website of Arche Nebra


Photos of the site of the Sky Disc and photo of the Goseck Solar Observatory

ARGE CULTURE CONCEPTS & kk-architekten (2009)

Machbarkeitsstudie zur kulturellen und touristischen Erschließung der bedeutenden archäologischen Funde (Schöninger Speere) im Braunschweiger Land

Eröffnung des paläon - Forschungs- und Erlebniszentrum Schöninger Speere im Jahr 2013

Find out more
Link zur Architektur des Forschungs- und Erlebniszentrums Schöninger Speere


ARGE CULTURE CONCEPTS & kk-architekten (2010)

Machbarkeitsstudie Archäologie und Tourismus im Spreewald: Auf den Spuren der Burger Bronzewägelchen von 3000 Jahren (Lausitzer Kultur)

Machbarkeitsstudie im Auftrag der Spreewälder Kulturstiftung


ARGE CULTURE CONCEPTS & kk-architekten (2012)

Projekt Stiftsberg in Quedlinburg – UNESCO Weltkulturerbe –Masterplan zur Nutzungs- und Präsentationsentwicklung

Implementation ongoing


ARGE CULTURE CONCEPTS & kk-architekten (2013)

Machbarkeitsstudie Schlachtfeldarchäologie und Errichtung eines Besucherzentrums zur Schlacht bei Lützen

Implementation ongoing